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차임선 70응미




1974-1976 시리큐스대학교 패브릭디자인전공 석사

1971-1973 필라델피아대학교 텍스타일디자인과 학사

1970-1971 서울대학교 미술대학 응용미술과 학사


2015 흙 바람 빛, the 15th Solo Exhibition(Ganainsa Art Center, Seoul, Korea)

2012 Im Sun Cha, the 14th Solo Exhibition(Antalya Metropolitan Municipality, Antalya, Turkey)

2011 Im Sun Cha, the 13th Solo Exhibition(Sangmyung Art Center, Seoul, Korea)

2010 Im Sun Cha IS Design SURTEX, the 12th Solo Exhibition(Jacob K. Javits Convention center, New York City)

2010 The Trail of Light 2010, the 11th Solo Exhibition(Kwanhoon gallery, Seoul, Korea)

2008 The Trail of Light, the 10th Solo Exhibition(Kwanhoon gallery, Seoul, Korea)

2006 The Quotidian, the 9th Solo Exhibition(Gallery Artside, Seoul, Korea)

2004 Timeless Time, the 8th Solo Exhibition(CHRRCT, London, England)

2003 The Flow, the 7th Solo Exhibition(the Mokkumto Gallery, Seoul, Korea)

2001 Im Sun Cha, the 6th Solo Exhibition(the Jacob Jabits Convention Center, New York City, USA)

2000 The Eastern Spirit Meets The 21st Century, the 5th Solo Exhibition(the Japan Foundation, New Delhi, India)

1998 Im Sun Cha, the 4th Solo Exhibition(the Ewha Womans University Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea)

1996 The Eyes/The Door, the 3rd Solo Exhibition(the Batangol Art Museum, Seoul, Korea)

1994 Im Sun Cha, the 2nd Solo Exhibition(the Gallery Bing, Seoul, Korea)

1978 Im Sun Cha, the 1st Solo Exhibition(the Midopa Gallery, Seoul, Korea)


스칼라만드레사 디자인실장, 미국 뉴욕

1991-1995 상명대학교 섬유디자인과 조교수

1995-2017 이화여대 미술대학 섬유예술과 교수

2004-2004 골드스미스 대학 교환교수

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