1980-1982 Kansas City Art Institute, in Painting 학사
1966-1968 University of Missouri, Post Graduate Sturdy, in drawing 수료
1959-1963 서울대학교 미술대학 응용미술과 학사
2019 삶이 지나가는 자리 -개인전(아트링크 갤러리, 서울)
2019 겨울의 소리(Winter Verse) -개인전(죠지빌리스 갤러리 뉴욬)
2018 흙, 나무여인-개인전(아트링크 갤러리, 서울)
2015 위험한 바느질의 속닥거림-개인전(트렁크갤러리, 서울)
2015 Ode to Sprouts(새싹소리)속닥거림-개인전(죠지빌리스 갤러리 뉴욬)
2012 꿈꾸는 씨앗-개인전(아트링크 갤러리, 서울)
2009 Window-개인전(죠지빌리스 갤러리, 로스안젤스)
2005 Seedpods-개인전(죠지빌리스 갤러리, 로스안젤스)
2005 Collective Stitching-개인전(죠지빌리스 갤러리 뉴욬)
2020 De Young Open, 산프란시스코(de Young Museum, San Francisco)
2020 Une Exposition d'Arts Obsessionels de la Fibre (Graver Lane Gallery, Philadelphia)
2020 사랄린,스펜서뮤지움,줌인터뷰, https://youtu.be/hTfUGqJDStQ(스펜서뮤지움)
2018 Recent 뮤지움소장 전시 (Nelson Atkins Museum of Art, MO)
2016 The Faces of Politics: In/Tolerance(Fuller Craft Museum, MA)
2016 Cut, Hold, and Form(Racine Art Museum, WI)
2014 Holding Patterns-스펜서아트 뮤지움 레지던시 (Spencer Museum of Art)
2012 The Female Gaze:Women Artists making Their World(Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts)
2009 Third Thursday-Visiting Artist’s Presentation(Nerman Museum of Contemporary Art)
2009 Current Perspectives Lecture Series(Kansas City Art Institute, MO)
2008 Threading Trends Berlin(Alter Post, Berlin, German)
2008 Ke-Sook Lee: Threads of Memory/An Installation(Rosemont College, PA,)
2007 Pricked: Extreme Embroidery(Museum of Arts and Design, NY)
2005 Threads of Memory(Dorsky Gallery /Curatorial Programs, NY)
2017 ARTISTS INHABIT THE MUSEUM(Spencer Museum of Art)
2015 오계숙, Korean Contemporary Art Book 029, Lee, Ke-Sook(헥사곤 출판사)